Thyroid Awareness Month

  • 1 yr ago


January is Thyroid Awareness Month. The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland that is located at the base of the neck. This gland influences the function of our most essential organs in the body: brain, liver, heart, kidneys and skin. The thyroid’s primary job is to make hormones that are secreted into the blood stream and carried to every tissue in our bodies. The body uses this hormone for metabolism, digestion, regulating body temperature and much more. It is vital to ensure your thyroid gland is healthy and functioning to its proper capabilities.

Thyroid Awareness Month Facts:
•    Women are 5-8 times more likely than men to experience thyroid problems
•    1 in 8 women will develop a thyroid disorder in her lifetime
•    The cause of thyroid problems is largely unknown
•    Cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and infertility are serious conditions that can         occur if thyroid disease goes undiagnosed
•    It is important for pregnant women to be diagnosed and treated adequately. If not, risks include miscarriage, preterm delivery and severe developmental problems in their children
•    Most thyroid diseases are life-long and can be managed with proper medical attention
•    Thyroid nodules are very common and are present in 60-70% of middle-aged women
•    Most thyroid cancers respond to treatment, but a small percentage can be very          aggressive
For more information on Thyroid Awareness Month, click here.



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