NJ Director of OEM Addresses Graduation Ceremonies.

  • updated 4 yrs ago

 New Jersey State Police Colonel Patrick J. Callahan who is also the New Jersey State Director of Emergency Management in a letter to the Department of Education and all Public and Non-Public Schools, addressed questions and concerns regarding celebrations and ceremonies to honor New Jersey school graduates of the Class of 2020.

The letter refers to the restrictions in Executive Order 107 and indicates in-person ceremonies, including graduations, all parades, including “wave parades,” that invite people to gather at a certain location, proms, and other similar celebrations violate the conditions of the Executive Order and therefore should be canceled or postponed until such time as these restrictions are lifted.

The public health emergency and executive orders adopted to respond to the public health emergency were extended in Executive Order 138 signed on May 6. N.J.S.A. 26:13-3(b) establishes that a Public Health Emergency declared by the Governor shall automatically terminate after 30 days, unless renewed for an additional 30 days through a declaration of the Governor.

NJEM Letter to DOE and Schools 5.9.20


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