Preventing Heat-related Illness at Summer Camps

  • 1 yr ago


Children, especially those who are physically active, are among those individuals at higher-than-average risk for HRI. Between 2017 and 2021, a total of 848 children under the age of 15- years old were treated at New Jersey Emergency Departments for heat-related illness. High heat days can also cause poor air quality, which can trigger asthma attacks or worsen asthma symptoms.


·         Hydrate: Make sure campers drink water even if they don’t feel thirsty. Make cool water available near all athletic fields and activity areas.

·         Play early. Play late: Schedule more strenuous outdoor activities in the cooler parts of the day when possible (early mornings for day camps or evenings for overnight camps).

·         Get acclimatized: At sports camps or camps with a lot of physical activity, gradually increase physical activity over several days. Schedule rest periods in the shade and pool time to allow campers to recover.

·         Stay in the shade: During midday, hold activities in shady areas or go indoors. Provide shaded areas for rest, quiet activities, and lunch.

·         Adapt activities: On extremely hot days, try to adapt activities to focus on lower energy activities and/or water-based programs. Also consider indoor activities if air-conditioned spaces are available.

·         Keep the rays away: Encourage campers to wear lightweight, loose, light-colored clothing. Encourage campers to apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and reapply throughout the day.


For more information on preventing Heat-Related Illness at camps, visit:

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