Schooley's Mountain Road Bridge Repairs this Summer

  • 1 yr ago

Morris County plans to conduct repairs to the bridge over the South Branch on Schooley's Mountain Road this summer.  The work will include the reconstruction of the entire parapet wall along the downstream (west) side.  The pavement and fill over the arches will be removed so that repairs can be made and a flowable fill would be used to backfill over the arches and then the pavement surface would be restored. This work does not include changing the width of the bridge.

The project will take 72 calendar days to substantial completion to re-open for the new school year this summer. To expedite the construction longer work days and weekend work are anticipated.

Southbound traffic (coming down Schooley's Mountain towards the intersection with Route 513) will be detoured for the entire 72 calendar days. Northbound traffic will be maintained across the bridge for the 1st stage, approximately 51 days. During stage 2, the entire bridge will be closed for 21 calendar days. Work is tentatively scheduled to start on 6/17/23 continuing thru 8/27/23 (pending school board closure/re-opening dates).

The detour will be on Flocktown Road to Naughright Road to Bartley Road.  

The emergency repairs completed Feb. 2  were to repair damage caused by a motor vehicle accident.  


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