*LOCAL* Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
Pediatric COVID Vaccine Clinic for ages 5-11
Who: Washington Township Health Department & Green Brook Family Medicine
Date: Wednesday Nov 17th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: West Morris Central High School—Media Center (Front of building)
How to Register:
- To assure adequate supplies for everyone attending registration for the Pediatric Pfizer COVID vaccine is required through the following website: https://westmorrispedcovidvax.timetap.com/
What to bring:
- Your child’s insurance card to the clinic if they have insurance. The vaccine is free of charge.
- A parent/guardian is required to be present with their child.
- Dr. Frank will be available at the clinic to address any COVID vaccine related questions.
In addition....
- BOTH Moderna and Janssen COVID Vaccine/Booster for adults ages 18 and up as well as the Pfizer COVID Vaccine/Booster for ages 12 and up will also be provided by the Long Valley Pharmacy. Pre-registration is not needed for these vaccines. Please bring your prescription insurance and COVID card to the clinic.
Please feel free to download the flyer below for more information:
Pediatric COVID Clinic 11-17-2021