Hunterdon Energy Aggregation Program Restarts March 1
Washington Township participates in the Hunterdon Energy Aggregation Cooperative (HAEC). The contract that the HAEC has with IDT Energy, Inc. to furnish your electric supply through the Community Energy Aggregation Program ended with participating residents' December 2020 meter read. The program will be returning at a new rate of $0.0867/kWh for a term of 9 months effective March 2021, and the new program offers residents the opportunity to select a 100% renewable energy option.
Additional information is available here and in a video
For questions and to opt-out of the program, please call the program’s energy consultants at 866-688-5197 or visit the HAEC’s program web page at
The state law governing energy aggregation programs, the Government Energy Aggregation Act of 2003 (L. 2003, c. 24, "GEA Act"), only allows for the opt-out and not an opt-in process. Those who are not in a program with another supplier will be automatically included in the HAEC program if they do no opt-out. Residents can opt-in o opt-out of the program anytime during its term.