Second Quarter Property Tax Grace Period Information

  • 4 yrs ago

April 29, 2020 - The Governor has granted municipalities the authority to extend the grace period for May 1 property taxes. However, authority to extend the deadline for paying the school districts and county their second quarter tax levy has not been granted. The grace period currently ends May 11. The Township is in contact with officials at the school districts and county regarding the possible extension of deadlines and the grace period. The Township collects property taxes for all the taxing districts and is legally obligated to pay, and incur debt if necessary to pay, the school districts and county their tax levy regardless of what is collected by the Township. The quarterly taxes due the school districts and county account for 82% of the taxes collected by the municipality. Should the municipality be able to extend the grace period, a special meeting will need to be scheduled and advertised so formal action can be taken by the Township Committee.



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