Free Rabies Clinic

  • 4 yrs ago

The Washington Township Health Department would like to make NJ residents aware that a Free Rabies Clinic will be held on Saturday, January 16, 2021.  The clinic is open to any resident of the State of NJ and will be held at the DPW building located at 54 Rock Road in Long Valley,  NJ.  

The Clinic will be run differently due to COVID restrictions.  Please click here.   The Health Department is only taking appointments for the clinic this year.  An appointment must be made by calling the Health Department at 908.876.3650.  You will be asked to give your name, cell phone number, email address and indicate how many pets you will be bringing for vaccination.   We feel that this will reduce contact with other residents by allowing only a certain number of people in the building at one time.  Every person attending the clinic must be wearing a mask.  Anyone without a mask will forfeit their appointment.

As you wait for your vaccination, you will have your temperature taken and you will be asked to fill out a COVID questionnaire regarding your current health so please be sure to bring a pen or pencil with you.  

Also .... there will not be an opportunity for Washington Township residents to license their pets at the Clinic this year.  You must still license your dogs and cats during the month of January but it must be done either by mail or by dropping off paperwork and payment in the foyer of the Municipal Building.

Please call the Washington Township Health Department if you have any questions or to make an appointment.  908.876.3650.

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