Opening Burning Guidelines

  • 1 yr ago



Opening Burning Guidelines

The Washington Township Health Department in conjunction with the Bureau of Fire Prevention would like spread awareness to residents and property owners of the importance to protect the environment, prevent wildfires, and ensure public safety throughout our community.

  • Residential properties can obtain a recreational (camp fire) permit. Only seasoned firewood can be used as a fuel source. Burning of rubbish, garbage, construction materials, fallen leaves and any type of plant are prohibited in NJ as per (N.J. Admin Code 7:27-2.3) Below you will find the link to obtain a camp fire permit:

  • Commercial properties are required to obtain a recreational permit from New Jersey Forest Fire and a type 1 fire safety permit from the Washington Township Bureau of Fire Prevention.  A fire safety permit application can be obtained below:

  • Agricultural burns are permitted for approved farm land. Below you will find the link for the agricultural burn application:

·         Follow all the guidelines and restrictions outlined on your permit.

  • If you do not have a valid permitted through New Jersey Forest Fire and/or the Washington Township Bureau of Fire Prevention, do not engage in these activities.
  • All fires such as bon fires, recreational fires and agricultural burns shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished as per N.J.A.C 5:70-3,307.5. Make sure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the area, this includes areas around the fire where embers may have landed.
  • Avoid burning on windy days, as this can cause the fire to spread quickly.
  • In accordance to Washington Township Ordinance 243-1, smoke which crosses a property line is considered a public health nuisance. Please be mindful of your neighbors when burning and to reduce excessive smoke.
  • For more information on restrictions and guidelines, contact New Jersey Forest Fire at 973-786-6350 or Washington Township Bureau of Fire Prevention at 908-876-8637
  • Public Health Nuisance complaints can be directed to the Washington Township Health Department at 908-876-3650
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