Route 46 - State Road Project
Update: NJ DOT will do guardrail, curb and sidewalk work this fall. Road repair will take place at a later date, but they project the project to be completed by Fall 2020. (9/2019)
NJ Department of Transportation Route 46, Stiger Street to Sandshore Road/Naughright Road originally scheduled to begin this summer has now been officially postponed by the NJDOT. A revised schedule has not been provided. (8/2019)
Please be aware that the State has planned to do a Route 46 road project, from Stiger Street in Hackettstown, through Route 46 in Washington Township, to Sandshore Road. The State has estimated a start date of July or August and the Township is attempting to get specifics, currently to no avail. Please be mindful of the project and check the website, we will update as soon as we receive information from the State.