On Line Payment Options Available

  • 4 yrs ago

Please remember that the Township offers some online payment options: 

Property Taxes are due Feb. 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 each year.  There is an option to pay on line.  Visit the website for more details:  https://wipp.edmundsassoc.com/Wipp/?wippid=1438                                                     Contact the Tax Collector at 80-876-8330 with any questions


Court Payments can be made on line at the NJ Courts website:  https://portalnjmcdirect-cloud.njcourts.gov/prweb/PRServletPublicAuth/wQ2guhy8lqKPggD8pVI7RLYVZ9vxwNMF*/!STANDARD?AppName=NJMC&fromBrowserHistory=true                                                      Contact the Court Administrator with any questions:  908-876-3852


Recreation and Senior Programs.  If you are enrolling in a class or program, visit the website for forms and on line payment options:  https://wtmorris.org/index.php/community/news/recreation-annoucements.html


Contact your utilities asociation  if you would like to pay your water and sewer bill on line.  .

Washington Township MUA:  http://www.wtmua.org/

Hackettstown MUA:  http://www.hmua.com/



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