Hunterdon Area Energy Cooperative Update

  • 5 yrs ago

 We were recently notified that JCP&L’s price-to-compare for June 2019 will include a temporary utility reconciliation rate of  -$.005/kWh, and while the reconciliation rate is not part of the auctioned Basic Generation Service rate, when combined with JCP&L’s two-tiered summer rates, effective June through September, it does have an impact on savings.  The average resident in Washington Township uses over 1200kWh each month from June through September, and as such, a majority of residents will continue to see savings throughout the summer months.  That said, residents who use less than 860kWh per month will not see savings and may pay slightly more – less than $2 – for their electric supply during the summer months.  Washington Township residents saved an average of $15 each month since the program began in April 2019.

It is important to understand that this change in JCP&L’s price-to-compare is only temporary and will not impact a majority of Washington Township residents.  Residents are reminded that they can use the program to their advantage, and can opt-in and out of the program, without fear of fees or penalties, as it suits their budgets and needs.   

Residents can opt-out/opt-in of the Hunterdon Area Energy Cooperative program by calling (877) 292-3904 or by logging on to the program's webpage at  Residents are encouraged to contact the cooperative’s Energy Agents at Commercial Utility Consultants at (855) 200-2648 or with questions.  Please see the HAEC - Program Update for more information.

A representative of the Hunterdon Area Energy Cooperative will be in attendance at the Washington Township Committee Meeting on June 12 to explain the rate calculations and answer questions.

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