Call, Email or Submit Requests Online to Municipal Offices

  • 4 yrs ago

Please call or email before visiting municipal offices. Inquiries and requests can be made by phone or online, as can certain payments. Inspections will only be done for outdoor or unoccupied facilities. For business that cannot be conducted over the phone or electronically, such drop-off (or pickup) of large applications that will not fit in the drop-box, please call ahead to arrange an appointment time in order to limit the number of people in the building at a time. 

All municipal-run group classes and programs, regardless of size have been suspended through March 27.

The Township of Washington offers the ability to make payments online for:


Alarm Registration:



 traffic tickets can be paid online at

other tickets without mandatory appearances can be paid over the phone by credit card by calling 908-876-3852 

You may also call ahead to obtain payment amounts for taxes, permits, etc. and identifying info for the memo line if you wish to pay by check and leave it in the municipal building dropbox which will be checked frequently. Department contact phone numbers and email are available at:

 Many documents and forms can also be found online at:

We ask for your patience over the next few weeks as we are experiencing a heavy influx of phone inquiries and requests. Service requests can also be made online at:

For outdoor/open-air and unoccupied facility inspections, you will be asked, out of an abundance of caution, if anyone in your household or business has  fever, cough or shortness of breath to schedule a date at least two weeks into the future. No indoor inspections of occupied structures will be conducted through March 27. To reschedule contact the appropriate department:

Construction (building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical): (908) 876-4711

Fire Prevention: (908) 876-8637

Health (septics): (908) 876-3650

Tax Assessing: 908-876-9132


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