Take Steps to Protect Foot Health

  • 1 yr ago



Most of us go through each day without ever thinking about our feet. It’s only when something goes wrong that we tend to realize just how important our feet really are. Your feet are surprisingly complex. Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and a network of nerves and blood vessels. Your feet also have more than 100 muscles and connectors, called tendons and ligaments.

Basic Care for Healthy Feet

·         Wash your feet every day and dry them completely.

·         Change your socks at least once a day.

·         If visiting a salon for nail and foot care, choose a salon that is clean and licensed by your state’s cosmetology board. Make sure the salon sterilizes nail clippers, scissors, and other tools after each use.

·         Check your feet regularly for cuts, sores, swelling, dryness, and infected toenails. Apply treatment as needed.

·         Wear well-fitting, protective footwear that provides proper support. Check your shoes regularly and replace them when they’re worn out.

·         See a health care provider if you have ongoing pain or numbness in your feet, or cuts or sores that don’t heal.

For more information on protecting foot health click  .

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