The Other Danger of COVID-19

  • 4 yrs ago

The Washington Township Health Department would like to remind everyone that this virus is more than cough, fever, shortness of breath and quarantine.  It is psychologically and emotionally frightening, draining and damaging.  We need to take care of ourselves and our loved ones on this front as well and it can't be treated with hand soap, sanitizer and social distancing.  Just the opposite, we need the connection, the interaction and communication between family, friends and coworkers even though everything we are being told tells us that we need to keep our distance.  Please share the link below for some good ways to keep ourselves mentally healthy through this pandemic.  We urge you to talk about it .... with the people in your home, family living outside of your home, your faith community, co-workers and social media friends. Remember that though this is an extreme health emergency to be taken very seriously ... it will come to an end and we need to come out of this, not only physically strong and healthy but mentally strong and healthy as well. We can help ourselves and at the same time help others.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Washington Township Health Department by phone at 908.876.3650 or by email at

 We encourage you all to stay in, stay safe and take care of yourselves and each other.



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