Summary of Executive Orders as of March 27

  • updated 4 yrs ago

State Department of Health Guidance for Patrons of Retail Businesses

Patrons entering essential retail businesses should abide by the following guidelines:

• If an individual must leave home to access essential goods, they are encouraged to go at non-peak times, to keep distance from other customers in the store, keep visits as brief as possible, and to go alone if possible.

• When shopping and standing in line, customers should keep six feet between themselves and other patrons/staff.

• Individuals should not enter a retail facility if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (such as fever or a cough), have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are undergoing a quarantine for potential exposure to COVID-19.


Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order on Child Care Centers

Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Requiring Child Care Centers Close on April 1 Unless Serving Children of Essential Workers 

Click for full text of EO-110


Governor Murphy Announces Cancellations of Elective or Invasive Procedures

Executive Order 109 states that all elective surgeries or invasive procedures, whether medical or dental, already scheduled after 5:00p.m. on Friday, March 27, 2020, are to be cancelled or postponed indefinitely.

Residents are encouraged to discuss their treatments and procedures with their health care providers. 

Click link HERE to read Executive Order 109.


Governor Revises EO 107 to Amend List of Businesses That Can Stay Open

An Executive Order issued Saturday, March 21,  by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy further expands restrictions on public outings, prohibits gatherings for parties and celebrations, and requires all New Jersey residents to remain at home or their place of residence with limited exceptions. 

The Executive Order was amended, on March 24, to add additional essential retail businesses: 

Mobile phone retail and repair shops; Bicycle shops, but only to provide service and repair; Livestock feed stores; Nurseries and garden centers; Farming equipment stores.

The Governor had granted the State Director of Emergency Management, who is the Superintendent of State Police Patrick Callahan, the discretion to make additions, amendments, clarifications, exceptions, and exclusions to the list of essential retail businesses.


Governor Murphy announces statewide stay at home order, closure of all non-essential retail businesses.

The executive order reads, in part:

All New Jersey residents shall remain home or at their place of residence unless they are 1) obtaining goods or services from essential retail businesses, as described in Paragraph 6; 2) obtaining takeout food or beverages from restaurants, other dining establishments, or food courts, pursuant to Paragraph 8; 3) seeking medical attention, essential social services, or assistance from law enforcement or emergency services; 4) visiting family or other individuals with whom the resident has a close personal relationship, such as those for whom the individual is a caretaker or romantic partner; 5) reporting to, or performing, their job; 6) walking, running, operating a wheelchair, or engaging in outdoor activities with immediate family members, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners while following best social distancing practices with other individuals, including staying six feet apart; 7) leaving the home for an educational, religious, or political reason; 8) leaving because of a reasonable fear for his or her health or safety; or 9) leaving at the direction of law enforcement or other government agency.

Read EO-107 HERE


Governor Murphy Enacts Moratorium on Removals of Individuals Due to Evictions or Foreclosures

Read the Governor's Executive Order Here:  EO-106


Governor Murphy Announces Changes to Upcoming New Jersey Elections in Response to COVID-19

Read the Governor's Executive Order Here:  

 Executive Order EO-105


Clarification on Executive Order on Mall and Amusement Park Closings

The  State Police Administrative Order regarding closing Malls and Amusement Parks can be read by following the link below:  

Administrative Order. March 17, 2020


Declaration of State of Emergency, Public Health Emergency to Strengthen State Preparedness to Contain the Spread of COVID-19

As part of the state’s coordinated response to address the novel coronavirus outbreak, Governor Phil Murphy declared a State of Emergency and a Public Health Emergency on March 9, to ramp up New Jersey’s efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. Executive Order No. 103 declares a state of emergency and public health emergency across all 21 counties in New Jersey, allowing state agencies and departments to utilize state resources to assist affected communities responding to and recovering from COVID-19 cases.

“The State of New Jersey is committed to deploying every available resource, across all levels of government, to help respond to the spread of COVID-19 and keep our residents informed,” said Governor Murphy. “My Administration will continue to work closely with our federal partners to ensure that local health agencies on the front lines of the state’s response are equipped with the resources needed to further prepare our health care system for a broader spread of COVID-19.”

The declaration tasks the State Director of Emergency Management and Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, Colonel Patrick Callahan, in conjunction with New Jersey Department of Health Commissioner, Judith Persichilli, to oversee the implementation of the State Emergency Operations plan and generally direct the State’s emergency response.

Additionally, the declaration triggers other executive powers and safeguards, such as prohibiting excessive price increases pursuant to New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act and the ability to waive certain procurement procedures to expedite the delivery of goods and services necessary for coronavirus preparedness and response efforts.
Governor Murphy’s emergency declaration also empowers all State agencies, specifically the Departments of Banking and Insurance, Health, Human Services, and the Civil Service Commission to take all appropriate steps to address the public health hazard of COVID-19.

For a copy of Executive Order No. 103 click here.


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