Clean Air at Home

  • 10 mths ago

While it's easy to see when you need to dust or sweep, it's harder to know when the air in your home needs cleaning. In fact, the indoor air you breathe can be hazardous to your health without any telltale signs. Don't let the air in your home threaten your family's health.

Take these step to improve your indoor air quality now:

  • Ensure you have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home. Test the detectors and change the batteries annually.
  • Open your doors or windows for at least 10 minutes each day. Even in winter, opening your windows will help improve your air. Remember, indoor air quality tends to be more polluted than outdoor air. Opening your windows or doors allows the fresher outdoor air to come inside. This dilutes the pollution inside your home, making it healthier to breathe. This no-cost solution really will help you breathe better.
  • If you live near a source of outdoor air pollution, opening your windows and doors may not be a good idea. It is not advised to open your windows and doors on poor air quality days such as when wildfires have been reported affecting the air in your area. Instead, select a portable mechanical HEPA air cleaner appropriate to the size of the room. Polluted air will be brought into the air cleaner, where particulate matter, chemicals, and other pollutants are captured. Clean air is placed back into the room.
  • Keep your home and car smoke free.
  • Ensure your furnace filter has a minimum efficiency reporting value, specifically a MERV-13 rating. Change your furnace filter every three to six months.
  • Ensure to allow for proper ventilation when burning in your home, including fireplaces, wood stoves, gas appliances, and candles.
  • Avoid chemicals such as air fresheners, sprays and cleaning products or use a healthier option.

Learn more about indoor air quality at

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  • 10 mths agoLast active
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