Township Administrator Applicants Sought

  • updated 2 yrs ago

The Township is seeking a qualified team builder, collaborator and strong communicator with strong management and organizational skills. The ideal Applicant will above all, be a great communicator; possessing very strong interpersonal skills, combined with requisite municipal fiscal and operations knowledge. The Applicant will be capable of effectively working with department heads and the governing body in addressing the issues facing a municipality. Inclusive in required understanding and skills is knowledge and an understanding of budget preparation, project management, purchasing and grant writing. The Township Administrator candidate should ideally possess municipal experience in the position or transferable experience and capabilities in a municipal setting. The candidate should reside within a reasonable distance from the Township of Washington. The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge of municipal issues including organization, human resources, protection against EPL issues, knowledge of the New Jersey Local Fiscal, Local Budget and Local Publics Contract law.  The Applicant shall be capable of effectively drafting their own correspondence, resolutions, performing analysis and implementing policies established by the governing body. The applicant shall also be capable of liaising with several active committees which may require attendance at meetings each month. The Township Administrator shall have, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree in municipal management, business or public administration, accounting or related business, administrative, legal or public service fields or at least five years' time of equivalent experience. Previous responsible, successful experience in municipal government shall be preferred. Qualified candidates are invited to participate in the search process and electronically submit resumes. Submission must be received no later than the end of business day April 10, 2023, at 4:00pm.  Additional information is located at The Township of Washington is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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